New tricks

A long but wonderful day spent working in the sunshine at @apridutveckling 💛✨

After a nice long shower, I was ready to go to my own ponies and take care of Poppy’s cuts.💔👀 I also spent an extra long time scratching and massaging them, trying to learn how our physiotherapist @susanneqeriksson could make an excited Poppy almost fall asleep yesterday.💆🏼‍♂️💎 I don’t think I had ever tried massaging their jaws before, among some other new tricks!🦄✨💛💆🏼‍♀️

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Time to come inside now

It is now 21.26 and I just finished bringing the ponies in from the grass pasture with my dad.

Ponies were so happy out in the pasture but they appreciated the buckets also.

I also smeared Popgun in with a Zink paste that we got from the vet.

Poppies back now looked like this before I smeared it in.